1. The White Album - Just an absolute sprawling masterpiece. The most timeless album I've ever heard. Songs that sound like they are from the 1920s "honey pie", songs that define the 1960s "revolution", songs that defy classification "revolution #9" ... the album is all over map and is better for it. More than any other album I've ever heard I always find something fresh about this album whenever I hear it. Although disc 1 (or LP 1 depending on your age) has always been my favorite but disc 2 in some ways is even more interesting than the first.
2. Sgt Pepper - Picking the second best Beatles album of all time is extremely difficult but I have to go with Sgt Pepper. I think it's now to the point where it's an underrated album. People have been talking about it being overrated for so long that it's actually now underrated. This album is fantastic. For me there's not a track that could possibly be taken off. Some don't like "When I'm 64" but it's really quite an accomplishment. I enjoy all of McCartney's songs of this type whether it be When I'm 64, Honey Pie, or Your Mother Should Know --- I think it's great to make this song that sounds so much like some other time. And the sequencing... for God's sake. From Within You Without You to When I'm 64? Sgt Pepper is like travelling through the world and through time visiting different places. It doesn't hurt the album's ranking any that A Day In The Life is quite likely the greatest song ever recorded.
#3 Abbey Road - Abbey Road sometimes feels a bit too slick to me and it doesn't have quite the imagination of Sgt Pepper which is why I rank it below. I think Abbey Road may be the top album for someone with a bit more of a straight ahead enjoyment of rock music. Songs like Come Together, Something, Oh! Darling, and Here Comes The Sun are just great great songs. For me it's the second half that is really great. While sometimes, as great as the first half is, it can seem to drag a bit atleast on my 1000th listen (which is about where I'm at now I'm sure) the second half is still incredibly enjoyable. You Never Give Me Your Money is one of the most underrated Beatles tracks in my opinion. You never hear people talk about that track but it's just great. And then once you get into Sun King and the rest, forget about it. Just perfection.
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