Friday, February 09, 2007

Top 10 Entertainment News Stories of 2006 by Barry Allen

The world of entertainment holds great fascination for the young and old alike. It is a magical world with heroes, heroines, and rags to riches stories, romance and more. The year 2006 was full of excitement and of the many eventful happenings the most popular stories followed avidly through all media avenues were:
1. Death of Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter who brought the world close to crocs through his many films and talks. His death by a croc a species he loved and as devoted to shocked the world.
2. Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond was trying to break a land speed record which resulted in a high speed crash. The news of his accident and injuries spread like wild fire.
3. The British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen scored a huge box office hit when he shocked and offended ordinary Americans. He was adjudged as one of the "men of entertainment of 2006."
4. The guerrilla artist Bansky hit headlines when he dared to replace Paris Hilton CD with his own CD of remixes titled "Why am I famous? And What am I for."
5. Romance turned sour always interests fans and Sir Paul McCartney's split with Heather Mills was blockbuster news.
6. The Oscars were swept away by a dark horse a Los Angeles race drama Crash which got a late and unexpected surge of support and overtook hot favorite Brokeback Mountain. The win made headlines and created a buzz.
7. Britney Spears poster featuring a nude and pregnant Britney created a furor after which Tokyo subway officials decided to reverse a ban on display of the posters.
8. A fairy tale romance and marriage means news in Hollywood especially when the couple is Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Scientology and a wedding in Italy added spice to the occasion and the wedding was popular news.
9. Oops mistakes happen even at BBC news. In the Apple versus Apple court case interviewed the wrong "Guy" was put in front of the camera. Instead of IT expert Guy Kewney a newcomer looking for a job Guy Goma was put on air.
10. The world looked forward to and enjoyed the new 007 film. The film created such excitement, that even the Queen of England went to see it.
Entertainment news and views vary and choices depend on individual taste. CNN news, Variety, and MSN have showcased online their choices as also a zillion other reviewers. While some based their lists on expert choices or the number of times a news story was read, others conducted online polls.
As always what the rich and famous do is interesting and entertaining as the year drew to a close people in media were busy trying to review the year and present its highs and lows to the discerning public on the World Wide Web. And now, it is time to open our minds and hearts to the year that has dawned and look forward to fulfillment in every way.

About the Author
Andrew Bermam is a freelance writer for Online Credit Card , the premier website to find credit cards, business credit cards, credit card processing, student credit card, low interest credit cards, prepaid credit card, free credit card, credit card at best rate and many more. He also freelances for Payday Loan Online Site.

Can Writing Song Lyrics Change Your Life? by Muna wa Wanjiru

Does listening to music have the potential to alter the world? Yes, it does. But the changes still have to start with you. If you learn how to listen to music very honestly, you can learn the secrets of the ages by writing song lyrics.
"I've been cheated. Been mistreated. When will I be Loved?" This set of lyrics written by Linda Rondstadt years ago gave rise to my understanding of the tansformative power of listening to and writing song lyrics. I was in college, studying the book Beloved, by Toni Morrison. I had a paper due in one day;' I was completely stressed out; and I had no clue what to write about.
I took a nap and woke to the lyrics of Ms. Rondstadts song. It was buzzing in my ears, and I had the sudden feeling that I should pay close attention. I intuitively felt that writing song lyrics were important.
They were.
Although I do not recall the precise details, the few lines from that song gave me all the insight I needed to write song lyric in a very short time. The line "When will I be loved?" was a doorway into my understanding of the song Beloved. I realized that the central character just wanted to be loved, and that was all I needed to know to access enough creativity to write a terrific song lyric. From that moment on I never doubted the pure potentiality of song lyrics.
The above is just one illustration of the power of writing song lyrics. Many more are possible. For instance, always pay close attention to any song lyrics that run through your head.
When lyrics run though your head, they stop being "out there." For all practical purposes, if you are singing the song lyrics, then you might as well have written them in the first place. You are imbuing them with meaning, and they are now "in" you, so to speak.
So, how so you benefit from this knowledge? By understanding that what you are writing the song lyric about, is about you. You can gain great self-awreness and wisdom by looking carefully at what you are singing. Do not assume that these are just random song lyrics running though your mind. They are not random. You are choosing to write them and they have a message.
The message is usually about something you wish you had or about something you are fearful of. The song you are singing offers you clues as to what your deepest values and beliefs are. These deep attitudes are what you need to uncover in order to become more self-aware and powerful. So next time song lyrics run thourgh your head or come onto the radio at an odd time, pay very close attention. They just might change your life or give you an answer you needed.

About the Author
Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and has been researching and reporting on Internet Marketing for years. For more information on Writing song lyrics, visit his site at

Brighten Up A Dull Day With A Fun Ringtone by Craig Thornburrow

If there is one thing that the world has far too much of, it would be the curse of the mundane. That is, far too much that exists in the world is fairly dull, bland and on the wrong side of the play it safe debate. Part of the reason for this is while standing out in a crowd is something people seemingly enjoy, the reality is that there are a number of conventions afoot in the world that press people to take the safe root and not try to stand out in the crowd too much.
Oh well, more is the pity, as going through life without ever making much of a mark in the world is similar to living in a comatose state. Now, the people who came up with the idea of flashy and snazzy ringtones were definitely not the folks who seemed to revel in playing it safe or maintaining a dull composure!
Although ringtones have become wildly popular in recent years, there are still a few misconceptions floating about as to the value of having music installed on a person's phone. Those misconceptions assume that people select their music on a random basis or that a certain phone comes with certain ringtone.
In other words, the misconception centers around the fact that people believe the person who owns the cellphone did not play a direct role in selecting the specific ringtone for the phone. This assumption is based out of simply not being familiar with how ringtones are installed and, more importantly, why someone chooses to install them.
Ringtones can provide a brief glimpse into the personality of the individual who owns the cell phone. The tone and style of the ringtone can lend some insight into the likes dislikes and quirks of the individual who chose the ringtones.
For example, a funny ringtone can provide the information that the person who likes the ringtone is a humorous, lighthearted person who doesn't necessarily take the world all that serious. Quite honestly, that is quite an intriguing statement for a person to make so wholeheartedly embracing such whimsical ringtones is a sure sign of a fun person!
There does come the question regarding what people may think if a person's ringtone is too whimsical. Actually, if the ringtones that blare are ominous, then maybe it might be wise to consider what people will think. Now, if the ringtones are fun, then people will probably think the person is fun so what would be the problem with that? Life is short, enjoy it and broadcast your joy to the whole, wide world with fun ringtones on your cell.

About the Author
Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on free ringtones and free mp3 ringtones at

Download and Listen To Music Online Free? by John

The internet is full of free resources one of the most popular ways to entertain your self online is to listen to music or watch videos some people think that you need to pay for everything online but there are many ways to download music for free and to watch videos of your favorite artists here we give you 5 ways to legally watch videos and listen to music online.

Yahoo has an excellent service called Launch this service allows you to listen to music online for free you can find virtually every song and every artist and listen to music on your computer the only catch with this service is that you have to listen to 3-5 second audio ads and you can not skip songs but other than that this is a free service that can give you many hours of fun the music quality is pretty descent and they also offer upgrades so for a small fee you can listen to high quality music.

Youtube my personal favorite has thousands of music videos that you can watch online for free on their site you can find videos from local bands and even new videos from other artist on most videos there are no ads and you can watch as many videos as you want so if you want to watch or listen to reggaeton music for example you just go to their search box and type the keywords and you will get results for videos that are available online.

Download is a site that offers different types of downloads but a lot of people don't know that they also offer free mp3 music downloads at no cost you can download mp3s from just about any artist and they are compatible with your ipod or music player.

Radio stations are also available online just do search for their website and they usually offer free and live music streams that you can play in your computer.

Windows Media Player offers free streaming music just open your media player and find free radio stations some of them even allow you to save a copy in your hard drive for free.

There are many ways to get free music online both legal and illegal so before you download music online illegally consider the legal options this is a safe way to get your music online without of being afraid of getting in trouble remember that artist spend time and money to make their music and they deserve to make their money.

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Listen to Reggaeton Music and Watch Videos Online Check Out
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The Beatles Albums : The Top Three by Bobby Beansprout

1. The White Album - Just an absolute sprawling masterpiece. The most timeless album I've ever heard. Songs that sound like they are from the 1920s "honey pie", songs that define the 1960s "revolution", songs that defy classification "revolution #9" ... the album is all over map and is better for it. More than any other album I've ever heard I always find something fresh about this album whenever I hear it. Although disc 1 (or LP 1 depending on your age) has always been my favorite but disc 2 in some ways is even more interesting than the first.

2. Sgt Pepper - Picking the second best Beatles album of all time is extremely difficult but I have to go with Sgt Pepper. I think it's now to the point where it's an underrated album. People have been talking about it being overrated for so long that it's actually now underrated. This album is fantastic. For me there's not a track that could possibly be taken off. Some don't like "When I'm 64" but it's really quite an accomplishment. I enjoy all of McCartney's songs of this type whether it be When I'm 64, Honey Pie, or Your Mother Should Know --- I think it's great to make this song that sounds so much like some other time. And the sequencing... for God's sake. From Within You Without You to When I'm 64? Sgt Pepper is like travelling through the world and through time visiting different places. It doesn't hurt the album's ranking any that A Day In The Life is quite likely the greatest song ever recorded.

#3 Abbey Road - Abbey Road sometimes feels a bit too slick to me and it doesn't have quite the imagination of Sgt Pepper which is why I rank it below. I think Abbey Road may be the top album for someone with a bit more of a straight ahead enjoyment of rock music. Songs like Come Together, Something, Oh! Darling, and Here Comes The Sun are just great great songs. For me it's the second half that is really great. While sometimes, as great as the first half is, it can seem to drag a bit atleast on my 1000th listen (which is about where I'm at now I'm sure) the second half is still incredibly enjoyable. You Never Give Me Your Money is one of the most underrated Beatles tracks in my opinion. You never hear people talk about that track but it's just great. And then once you get into Sun King and the rest, forget about it. Just perfection.
Download The Beatles to your iPOD with Feed My iPods

Online piano lessons- How to play popular piano in 10 easy lessons by Joe Barrett

Without a doubt, the piano is one of the most beautiful instruments to play and listen to. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions as to how difficult it is to play and therefore many people don't take the first step out of fear of failure. We've been conditioned to believe that traditional methods of learning, such as reading music and practicing scales are the only way to learn and this is not entirely true.
Learning piano without years of lessons is not difficult, however it's important that students understand that learning to play requires daily practice and a lot of discipline and for many, this is difficult. Fortunately, we have options today and thanks to the Internet we have the ability to invite a virtual tutor right into your living room at any given time via the online piano lesson
Do interactive piano lessons really work? Traditionalist will say this system of learning is flawed, but you can't argue with the results people are having and they are impressive. Traditional lessons typically run 30 minutes long once or twice a week at a rough cost of $20 per lesson. The online or interactive lesson has a one time cost and you have the luxury of "hiring" you tutor at any time. As with anything, you're going to have to do you homework before you purchase a home study course.
So are there actually 10 easy lessons to play popular piano? Perhaps there are, but keep in mind that practice and discipline are just important.

About the Author
Finding the right online piano lesson is as simple if you know where to look. Learn how to really play piano despite years of lessons

6 Simple Steps To Becoming A HOT Guitar Player! by John Pawlett

Learning how to play guitar well is not easy. There are so many methods and so many conflicting opinions, it makes it difficult to know what to do.
But the simple fact is, if you want to be the best you can, as soon as you can, then all you need to do is - copy what the pro's do...
Master the Basics!
Mastering the basics means being able to play in all keys. Being able to transpose any song to any other key - on the spot preferably.
Did you know that 95% of guitarists DON'T master the basics. Oh yes, they mean to get around to it, but they hardly ever do.
Why is that? Well, it's because they think it's boring, complicated and too much hard work. And most of all - no fun! And mostly they were right. Well, it needn't be that way. Mastering the basics can be a lot of fun if you go about it in a methodical set-by-step way.
What does mastering the basics entail?
There are 6 basic steps you need to follow:
1. Learn the names of all notes on all strings, one string at a time.
2. Learn how to construct a C Major scale.
Basic must-know guitar theory. Easy stuff.
3. Learn how the chords of the major scale are made and what they are... their names etc. C Dm Em F G Am Bdim.
Basic chord construction knowledge.
4. Learn the triad patterns for the C major scale all over the fret board.
Triads are simple 3-note chords. Easy and fun to learn and play.
5. Learn to play those triads with common chord progressions.
Learn to play and apply the triads to the most common chord progressions that fit thousands and thousands of songs.
6. Learn to do step 5 in all keys.
Once you can do steps one to five in the key of C, it's real easy to learn it for the other 11 major keys.
Hint: It's much easier than you think. All the patterns are exactly the same as what you learn for C major. You don't have to learn any new patterns. Cookie cutter stuff.
It really is not hard at all. All you need is a methodical step-by-step method that makes sense and is easy and fun to use.
Having taught the guitar for many years, I see the majority of beginners experiencing the same problems and making the same mistakes over and over again in their quest to learn how to play guitar. It's my job to steer them through these problem areas.
These "mistakes" are basic errors that most beginners naturally tend to make. But these mistakes can cause major problems if you allow them to become habits in your playing. Unfortunately, 90% of guitarists have done just that!

About the Author
Buying Guitars is an informative Guitar site that looks into all aspects of Guitars from Learning to Play to Buying Tips. To find out more visit Guitar Tips

Do you look good on the dance floor? Indie-rock musicians initiate a revolution in men's fashion by Martin McAllister

The clothes worn by musicians have always sent shockwaves through the fashion industry, helping to stimulate trends that have gone down in history. Today, things are no different. It's no secret that guitar music has leapt into the charts of late, and that over the last few years, indie-rock groups have become a mainstay in the local media. In fact, music magazines like the NME have been flying off the shelves with the newfound popularity of these bands. However, just as their music has become increasingly ingrained in the mainstream, so too have their fashion trends. From Alex Kapranos, Franz Ferdinand's front man, to Pete Doherty, indie music has hit the fashion industry hard in recent years - and to good effect. The idea of popular music artists starting fashion trends is not an alien one; indeed, it is a phenomenon that has gripped our society for decades. During the 1960s in the heyday of The Beatles, many men would wear their hair long, inspired by the style of the Liverpudlian songsters. Similarly, in the 1980s, Michael Jackson's legendary red zipper jacket - made famous in music videos for Beat It and Thriller - was all the rage, with both men and women donning the fashion item. These clothes helped spark the fashion sense of many generations, as people took inspiration from their favourite musicians in order to create their own look and define the fashion atmosphere of an era. Today, a variety of modern musicians have helped engender new trends in men's fashion. Modern rockers Kasabian for example, are featured in the 150th anniversary ad campaign for British fashion label, Burberry. Moreover, Pete Doherty's relationship with British supermodel Kate Moss has made him a staple figure not just in the mainstream press but in the fashion world as well. Indie rave and electro acts, such as The Klaxons and Brazilian scenesters CSS, have also had a significant impact on musical fashion, with The Klaxon's bright neon t-shirts and jeans engendering a new generation of cool. Music and fashion have become so intertwined that the NME's annual music awards have even incorporated the category of 'Best Dressed Artist' in their annual NME Awards Show, this year held on March 1st at Hammersmith Palais. The category is sponsored by Topman, a popular fashion retailer who continue to lead the way in men's clothes and men's fashion. Last year's nominees included Pete Doherty, Alex Kapranos, The Killers' Brandon Flowers, Liam Gallagher and the eventual winner, Ricky Wilson from the Kaiser Chiefs. The proliferation of indie-rock figures here clearly indicates the influence of such artists in the men's fashion industry today - a trend which is sure to continue into the future.

About the Author
Martin McAllister is an online freelance journalist. He lives in Scotland.

The Power of Music by John Pawlett

Music's power influences the human spirit and emotions should not be underestimated. Music has a great influence in all cultures and religions. Who has not had the experience of suddenly humming or moving to the rhythm of a tune heard for the first time long ago?
Many of the most important events in our lifes are commemorated with music. Those who have served in the military never forget the stirring cadence of a military march. Even decades later the sound of a military band will take the old veteran back to the days when his step was sure and strong and his new found confidence in his ability to defend his country and his buddies from harm knew no bounds.
Tunes often are associated with important events in our lives. Perhaps it is the song that you danced to at the high school prom with the person who later became your lifetime partner that still fans your passions. Perhaps it is the tune that was playing as you danced with your new spouse at your wedding party. It may be a song or two that was sung by a famous entertainer whose performance you were lucky enough to hear on your 30th birthday.
I still vividly remember seeing Elvis Presley perform near the end of his career. It was my friends birthday present to herself. I was her date for the evening and never expected to be so moved by 'The King's' performance. But I was, and am still grateful to my friend for asking me to escort her to the live show.I wasn't that much of an Elvis fan prior to his performance but had a far greater appreciation of his talent after seeing the master at work. What a show!
The Internet has created a new important venue for music. Lyrics to just about every song that has ever been written have been archived and can be easily accessed with an Internet search. The sharing of music files has been controversial all be it widespread. Legal means of gaining access to any type of music from Internet sources are under development and have lead to an entirely new growth industry.
The power of music can be a strong unifying force in a world that badly needs unification and cooperation on issues that affect us all. Peoples of the world should rejoice in the rich heritage that music brings to every culture. The sharing of ideas and music over the Internet only adds to the significance of music as a universal medium of communications.
People all over the world love their music. You can bet there is as much enthusiasm for a new Eminem rap song among Eminem fans as there is for classical jazz or a classical piano performance among more conventional music fans. There are different strokes for different folks as they say in Dixie and nowhere is this better illustrated than in the field of music.
However varied musicial tsstes may be amoung individuals we should consider the common thread that music weaves between all peoples and build upon that common ground to achieve a better understanding of how we are connected in our humanity.
People the world over have common basic needs and music is one of them.

About the Author
Lyrics UK is an informative resources site about Song Lyrics. Find out how Lyrics UK can expand your horizons.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Today I got a picture of my faverite star. She comes from Korea. I think the Asian knew her very well. Will she be your faverite also?